What does it do?

It takes saved items form Reddit and divide them into categories, did you know after 1,000 items older ones start to disappear forever. So managing them is crucial if you don't want to lose them. It started as a side project to learn Node.js, I love saving and bookmarking stuff. So naturally an idea to build something that would help me manage information overload was my first project. I don't and haven't yet made any money from this. It's something I think should exist, however.

What features are there?

View comments, delete item, export items, etc.

Is it free?

Yes, always will be. At most it could become freemium, but not in forseeable future.

How does it work?

It uses Reddit's api to fetch data once you give permission and then show it to you, it doesn't save anything on server. Mainly it costs to safe data on server and it being a free service there would be no way to support it. So privacy comes as added bonus. It's a feature not the bug.

I found a bug or have an idea, how do I contact?

Click Contat in Menu, to which you can get by clicking bottom 3 bars icon.

How can I support you?

You can definitely help us in many ways, by Upvoting us here, liking our Facebook page, donations, and most importantly sharing it to your friends on social media.

I want to help develop this?

Contact me, however, I have moved on from this project. Unless you can convince me otherwise. But I'm always looking for developers/designers to partner up with for Indie Projects.

What happens to my data?

It doesn't get stored on our server, Redditmanager makes request through browser to Reddit's api and retrive data which stays in browser until you close it.

I deleted something can I get it back?

Not through us, cause we never had it, as mentioned in previous question.

How long did it take to build it?

2 years of procrastination, 3 months of brainstorming and sketching, and 1 month of actual development.